Open Collective
Open Collective

XR Belgium

Extinction Rebellion Belgium unifies 19 local groups spread across the country working together to pressure the government to declare climate and ecological emergency and develop a necessary plan to phase out fossil fuels.


Who are Extinction Rebellion (XR)? 
We are a diverse movement of people deeply concerned about the ecological and climate emergency the world is facing. We are an autonomous and decentralised, fastest-growing climate & ecology movement spread across 88 countries and thousands of cities. We are young people who care about our future, parents defending their children, grandparents rebelling for life.

Why do we exist? 
A long history of burning fossil fuels and land exploitation has led us to worsening climate impacts - recurring environmental disasters, floods, droughts, fires, and crop failures globally. We are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making. Governments across the world are urged to take immediate action and to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions and pollution to protect the people and the planet from a disastrous future. Yet our government is ignoring the warnings and is still helping the very industries that are putting our lives in danger. But change is necessary and is possible.

What we do? 
We believe that our government will be compelled to act through civil disobedience and active participation of citizens. For this, we use creative and peaceful non-violent direct action and organise democratical people’s assemblies to put pressure on our government and bring equitable solutions to climate change and loss of wildlife. 

Your donation makes a huge difference
Our work relies on the generosity of our supporters and donors. Your donations will directly help us to organise more impactful actions and events. We are also striving to support our key volunteers tirelessly working to ensure that XR is more sustainable, and our actions and activities happen. 

All donations will be used to: 
  • organise more non-violent direct actions across Belgium;
  • reimburse costs of our volunteers and make our actions more accessible;
  • organise people’s assemblies to collect viewpoints and demands from other movements and individuals;
  • deliver trainings for our volunteers and the local groups and help us to grow larger;
  • develop and expand our communications online and offline;
  • provide our key organisers with Volunteer Living Allowance, so they can fully focus on the important work within Extinction Rebellion (coordination, behind the scenes work, etc.). 
Of all the donations, 10% is transferred to Global Support, the international branch of Extinction Rebellion. This 10% is used by Global Support to assist Extinction Rebellion groups across the world, which do not have the operating capacity to self-fund. A global crisis requires a global rebellion! 

Donations are received through All for Climate asbl, our fiscal sponsor.

We follow XR Belgium donor due diligence guidelines when looking for and receiving financial support from the prospective donors. We won’t accept money from funders which contradict our theory of change, including fossil fuel companies, pharmaceutical companies, mainstream banks, private equity firms, hedge funds, agri-bussiness companies, registered lobbyists, and political parties. 

More information about XR Belgium and how to support us further: 

Our team



Bud Blumenthal

Core Contributor
it feels good to invest in the survival of civi...


Contribution to the food for the XR BE Camp wee...

christophe Me...

Core Contributor

Anya Verkamp

Core Contributor

Cécile Hubert

Core Contributor

Francois De B...

Core Contributor




Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Pink Boat Trailer

Join us and support us

€1,525.67 EUR of €2,500 EUR raised (61%)

Latest activity by

+ 27

Polarbear has carried out a number of actions in addition to his participation in those organised by XRBE & Code Rouge, including "The Girl with th... Read more

€3,097.63 EUR of €3,000 EUR raised (103%)

Starts at
€5 EUR

Latest activity by

+ 39
One-time contribution

Provide financial support to enable Red Rebel Brigades to form and flourish in different parts of Belgium Read more

Starts at
€5 EUR

Latest activity by

Custom contribution
XR Belgium

Support XR Belgium financially, to plan and carry out actions, including training rebels, providing regenerative support and increasing awareness o... Read more

Starts at
€5 EUR

Latest activity by

+ 62
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 639


XR Belgium is hosting the following events.

Bringing rebels together from across Europe to prepare the Brussels rebellion


Past event
06:00 PM-07:30 PM UTC
XR Leuven and Fiesta Partigiani invite you to watch an inspiring film at Eco-Cultuur Centrum! XR ...Read more

Attended by

+ 1
Past event
05:00 PM UTC
A getaway weekend in nature not far from Brussels to regen together

Attended by

Connected Collectives

Connected Collective
Boycott Autosalon Crowdfunding Campaign
Finance the action of Extinction Rebellion Belgium

Latest activity by

+ 8
Connected Collective
Extinction Rebellion Namur
Extinction Rebellion Namur Belgique (association de fait)

Latest activity by

+ 7
Connected Collective
XR Antwerp
Rebel for climate emergency

Latest activity by

+ 25
Connected Collective
XR Belgium Legal
Collective for the Legal National Circle of XR Belgium (unincorporated partnership)

Latest activity by

+ 6
Connected Collective
XR Belgium Trainings
Extinction Rebellion Belgium Training Circle

Latest activity by

Top financial contributors


Donations not registered on OC

9,027.5 EUR since Jun 2021


5,020 EUR since May 2021

Thomas Van Cauwenberghe

4,495 EUR since Dec 2020

Bram Luyten

3,980 EUR since Jan 2022

Lucie Worms

3,300 EUR since Oct 2019

Bram Luyten

3,000 EUR since Feb 2023


2,600 EUR since Dec 2020


2,430 EUR since Oct 2019


2,405.95 EUR since Nov 2021

Alison Marschner

2,100 EUR since Sep 2019


All For Climate

6,922.31 EUR since Feb 2020

Donations directly to bank account

4,105 EUR since Jul 2021

Extinction Rebellion Namur

4,058.83 EUR since Jan 2020

Degrowth Belgium

2,000 EUR since Jul 2024

Nickel IT

500 EUR since Apr 2020

Vermeylenfonds vzw

300 EUR since Nov 2023

XR Belgium is all of us

Our contributors 650

Thank you for supporting XR Belgium.



€270 EUR

Bud Blumenthal

Core Contributor

€220 EUR

it feels good to invest in the survival of civi...



€100 EUR

Contribution to the food for the XR BE Camp wee...

christophe Me...

Core Contributor

Anya Verkamp

Core Contributor

Cécile Hubert

Core Contributor

Francois De B...

Core Contributor



Donations not...

€9,028 EUR

All For Climate

€6,922 EUR


Support the following initiatives from XR Belgium.

Legal defence for 3 rebels in prison in Den Haag since November 27th 2022.

Latest activity by

+ 84


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #696761
Contribution #516539
Contribution #472723
Today’s balance

€21,016.35 EUR

Total raised

€144,079.04 EUR

Total disbursed

€123,062.69 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€18,724.00 EUR