Open Collective
Open Collective

Community Grant 2022


Allocating some donations through a vote from SSB stakeholders.


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #561217
-$500.00 USD
Contribution #555972
Today’s balance

$527.70 USD

Total raised

$2,927.70 USD

Total disbursed

$2,400.00 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


Community Grant 2022

This is the first of what hopefully will become an annual process to allocate donations as grants to advance Secure-Scuttlebutt, through a collective vote from community stackholders. Proposals and votes are made on Secure-Scuttlebutt. Follow elavoie (@IgYpd+tCtXnlE2tYX/8rR2AGt+P8svC98WH3MdYAa8Y=.ed25519
), who is overseeing the process, for updates.

For 2022 , there are 2 grants of 6000$USD, each available for a single developer or a team. Proposals can be made until April 3th, as replies to the following post:



  1. Nov-Jan. 2021 
    • Community Fundraising: %eFl7pRoHldG1beSRsrYq+9gkVqRtdFZoWth3S26Fjio=.sha256
    • Community Mandate given to Elavoie to Oversee Community Grants 2022: %Z8ztQrIzgTQfHwiFa8WedcaTzPPmNaiz592GgmbYOoE=.sha256
    • Grant sources: %wUFabsE9tfsHG+P/2z48k6TQxhug6cX2CFqTronzjBc=.sha256
  2. Jan-Apr. 2022
    • Scuttlebutt Strategy 2022 (collective deliberation on personal plans): %hXlCL9c9rfJgthwMJswTI9DlLyhkhXSddJBqfUSIS6k=.sha256
    • Design of the Voting Process: %p5SjM1rqiBnSjHM4XA/P6/N4VkP6Pilkb9YAXCKXRQk=.sha256
    • Submission of Proposals: %UmDisJz2BEqXzzyF7ZxZgHqaMLfFevUHqNs9n3U9rJA=.sha256 
  3. Apr.-May 2022
    • Voter Registration: %5WJn24LzNU9m91zOopp2BRpxZO5rCwodYMpI4ANEdVk=.sha256
    • Vote: %BMqfrigY7nTCVITJTS5tQWkyOBR/zdLA5CG9njuaZyA=.sha256
  4. Sept-Nov 2022
    • Retrospective and revisions for 2023: TBA


If we end up with 1 or 2 proposals, each proposal will be voted on independently and be funded if a minimum number of required votes (TBD) from eligible voters is reached (see below).

If we have more than 2 proposals, voters will additionally order proposals according to their personal preferences and the two most popular proposals will be funded. Proposals will still need to reach a minimum number of votes. The ordering mechanism will be determined later.

Eligible Voters

Categories (in no specific order) of eligible voters, who have in the last 365 days:
  1. Developers: committed to one of the shared SSB repositories, or a client actively in use.
  2. Community Supporters: contributed in non-technical ways to the health of the project.
  3. Donators: made total donations of at least 20$USD to the SSBC, or the European Scuttlebutt Collective.
The status for each category is assessed through:
  1. Developers: git commits to an SSB repository (see below).
  2. Community Supporters: at least 2 vouches from different Developers and Community Supporters (as defined here), including at least one from a Developer.
  3. Donators: links to donations on SSB-related Open Collective
Vouches will be made as replies to the Voter post (TBA), with likes from eligible Developers and Community Supporters counting as additional vouches. Being a donator does not provide vouching rights. Being vouched as a Community Supporter provides vouching rights. Vouchers will decide, based on their personal judgement, the nature and amount of contributions required to be vouched.

Each physical person counts as a single voter, regardless of the number of SSB IDs they have, the number of categories they belong to, or the amount of their financial contributions. Fraud will lead to loss of social reputation.

Elavoie will verify, compile, and publicly publish the list of eligible voters based on the above, prior to the votes on proposals. Anyone will be able to verify the final list for compliance.

Eligible SSB Repositories

Our team

Rômulo Alves

Core Contributor

Joey Stanford

Core Contributor






Core Contributor

Gordon Martin

Core Contributor


Core Contributor




Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
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Community Grant 2022 is all of us

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Thank you for supporting Community Grant 2022.