Open Collective
Open Collective



Welcome to the Alversjö membership platform. This is where you become a member to explore the space between dreams and realities.


We are very glad that you are becoming a member of Alversjö also called the .land-project. Memberships, together with contributions from events, is what lets us have this beautiful land.

Memberships: To become a member you need to pay an annual fee of 600 SEK/year (60€), or 50 SEK/month (5€).

Becoming a member gives you access to the land when there is not an event on the land. It also means that you are part of the community and can run advice processes to do projects at the land or host events. You become a co-creator!

We want to continue being a trust based community. So the responsibility to check your .land membership is on you. We are assuming, that all of us using the land want this project to thrive and continue evolving as an experimental playground for our collective dreams. 

Klick the buttons below to become a member.

PS: The project benefits greatly from the financial liquidity burst of the 600 SEK yearly memberships, so if you can, please take that option.

Donations:  Be it surplus from a burn or you are just feeling extra lavish this month we would love your one time donation. Donations do however not count as memberships, so split up your payment into to transactions if you also want a membership.

Everyone in the Alversjö community.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Membership (yearly)

Use this option if you want to become a Member of Alversjö and want to pay yearly.

Starts at
€60 EUR / year

Latest activity by

+ 211
Membership (monthly)

Use this option if you want to become a Member of Alversjö and want to pay monthly.

Starts at
€5 EUR / month

Latest activity by

+ 63
One-time contribution
Donate (one time)

Use this option if you want to make a one time donation to the project. This option does not give you a membership, it's just a much appreciated fi... Read more

Latest activity by

+ 18


Support the following initiatives from Alversjö.

Renting out storage space to members of Alversjö and Borderland

Latest activity by

+ 12
Creating and maintaining a permanent garden in Alversjö

Latest activity by

Spaces and activities on Alversjö for people who want to dedicate there time and energy for inner...

Latest activity by

+ 23
Fixing up the Brewery at Alversjö, so all parts of the building are usable.

Latest activity by

+ 52


Alversjö is hosting the following events.

05:00 PM UTC
The Village is a small and cozy, co-created, family-friendly gathering.


Be the first one to attend!
Past event
10:00 AM UTC
The Village is a small and cozy, co-created, family-friendly gathering.

Attended by

Past event
07:00 PM UTC
Celebrating Midsummer at Alversjö? Please give a modest contribution for electricity, water and t...Read more

Attended by

+ 5
Past event
10:00 AM UTC
We come together in a contemplative setting find regular times to meditate and work on projects o...Read more

Attended by

+ 2
Past event
04:00 PM UTC
Building upon the wonderful Fall Flock experience we shared last year, we are excited to invite y...Read more

Attended by

+ 11
Past event
02:00 PM UTC
Let's Co-Create a beautiful Burn together

Attended by

+ 2
Past event
03:00 PM UTC
A retreat to meditate and co-create the Alversjö Monastery.

Attended by

Past event
05:00 PM UTC
Let's get to work on the land, clean up, cut bushes and grass, fix houses, build fun stuff togeth...Read more

Attended by

+ 1
Past event
10:00 AM UTC
Show up with Burning Hearts and -Minds to explore and co-create around the most important and dif...Read more

Attended by

Past event
07:00 PM UTC
Come co-create a magical Midsommar on our land! 🌸

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
03:00 PM UTC
Let's get to work on the land, clean up, cut bushes and grass, fix houses, build fun stuff togeth...Read more

Attended by

Past event
05:00 PM UTC
Let's get to work on the land, clean up, cut bushes and grass, fix houses, build fun stuff togeth...Read more

Attended by

Past event
05:00 PM UTC
Let's get to work on the land, clean up, cut bushes and grass, fix houses, build fun stuff togeth...Read more

Attended by

Past event
04:00 PM UTC
A retreat to meditate and co-create the Alversjö Monastery.

Attended by

Past event
05:00 PM UTC

Attended by

Alversjö is all of us

Our contributors 374

Thank you for supporting Alversjö.

Heinz Robert


€261 EUR

Anton Dalsmo


€218 EUR

Caroline Berg...


€180 EUR

Diana Monsberger

Core Contributor

€180 EUR


Core Contributor

€180 EUR

David Högberg

Core Contributor

€168 EUR



€120 EUR

Hugi Asgeirsson


€10 EUR

Elis Lindström

Core Contributor

€5 EUR

Konrad Leffler

Core Contributor

€1 EUR

Nicklas Oscar...

Membership (yearly)

€6,820 EUR

Jakob Elstad

Membership (yearly)

€2,244 EUR

The 2124 EUR I donated is surplus from Snowbord...


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

€35,537.76 EUR

Total raised

€40,704.54 EUR

Total disbursed

€5,166.78 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€13,930.00 EUR


All time

Expenses paid


Amount disbursed


Tags# of ExpensesAmount
no tag

View all paid expenses


All time

Contributions received


Amount collected


Tiers# of ContributionsAmount

View all contributions


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Alversjö

Updates on our activities and progress.

Brief update about what's going on at Alversjö

Dear friend and supporter of Alversjö If you don't know what's going on at Alversjö you might have missed to sign up for the ...
Read more
Published on February 25, 2025 by Heinz Robert

Welcome and thank you!

Dear member of Alversjö.land We realized in our last Sunday meeting that we never officially welcomed you, so we do that briefly with this. Have you heard that we finally made everything clear with the bank and now really own the land? Some...
Read more
Published on April 2, 2023 by Heinz Robert